Electric Vehicles (EV) in Newfoundland

Electric Vehicles (EV) in Newfoundland

Is it time to buy an electric vehicle in Newfoundland?

If you still drive gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles, it's impossible for you to not notice the dramatic increase in fuel prices. In the last 24 months, the world has seen dramatic price swings in the cost of oil, with WTI and Brent Crude prices fluctuating all the way from the negative to $112 / barrel.

If your driving habits and income have remained relatively stable throughout this period, you will have noticed that now more and more of your disposable income is going to the cost of fuel. Those utilizing home heating oil are also feeling the pain, and experts are saying the pain has just started.

Frustration at pumps builds as vehicle owners scramble to get their hands on an EV

take a look at folks filling up their cars and trucks at the pump. With fuel prices seemingly only going up, many internal combustion engine (ICE) owners can't wait to make the switch to an electric car or electric truck.

With some pumps automatically turning off at the $200 mark, pickup truck owners have reported having to fill and pay twice just to truly fill their tank. $300 fill-ups, which were once inconceivable, are now a reality most drivers wish were still a dream.

"Do you just come here to make fun of us?" shouted a pick-up truck owner in jest to a Tesla Driver who stopped at the gas station to clean their windshield and throw out some garbage.

"I've been trying to buy an EV for the last two months but can't find one anywhere. I'm never buying a gas vehicle again".

The cost of gasoline has caused consumers to get priced out at the pump. Many shiny new pick-up truck and SUV owners have good-looking vehicles, but they can't afford to drive them. The cost of fuel is too prohibitive, and the price is expected to continue to skyrocket.

How much does it cost to operate an Electric Vehicle (EV) in Newfoundland?

Comparing the cost of owning an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicle in Newfoundland with the cost of owning an Electric Vehicle (EV) is often all it takes to convince any automobile owner it's time to make the switch.

We all know gasoline prices are now high, and we've covered some of the current costs of fueling your car in Newfoundland above, but how does this compare to the cost of Electricity for an EV? To put things into perspective, here is a comparison.

Imagine if you had to drive your current gasoline vehicle from St. John's to New York. Would the cost of fuel be expensive? You bet it would be.

Depending on what you drive, when you do the math, it would definitely be in the hundreds of dollars, maybe even approaching one thousand of you're ICE is particularly fuel-hungry. In an electric car, you may only use $40 of electricity to go all that way. That's a huge difference and massive savings.

The simple reason people are scrapping their ICE vehicles for EVs lately isn't the environment (which thank you for making the switch), it's the money you save.

Whale House Guest House is proud to offer free Electric Vehicle Charging to all EV Drivers looking to charge their electric car while visiting Whale House, The Fork Restaurant, or hiking the Tinkers Point East Coast Trail.

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