Stargazing from a Hot Tub – Do you know what you’re looking at?

Stargazing from a Hot Tub – Do you know what you’re looking at?

Like stars? So do we. Stargazing is one of our favorite activities, especially in winter when the nights are cold, the sky is clear, and the hot tub is ever so inviting.
Looking up at the night sky, you can’t help but wonder how many other humans looked up over the centuries and pondered the same thing. The night sky really puts things into perspective; just how small we are, and how vast space and time really is.

If you come from the city, even a smaller one like St. John’s, odds are you are a victim of light pollution. That doesn’t mean you won’t see stars in the night sky, but many of them won’t be visible. You may be able to pick out the Big Dipper or a planet like Jupiter shining bright in the winter sky, but if you want to see strips of constellations and experience the Milky Way, you need to do it from a dark place away from bright city lights.

At Whale House Guest House, we’re pretty lucky to be free of light pollution. Because we’re located on the edge of the Witless Bay Marine Ecological Reserve, looking east over the ocean offers some of the best stargazing opportunities. If you’ve never had a chance to stargaze in a light pollution free environment, we highly suggest spending some time stargazing from your hot tub during your next stay.

Wondering what you’re looking at?

There are some great stargazing apps now available. Most will even tell you when special events will take place, like meteor showers or the international space station flying overhead.

Here is a list of planets visible to the naked eye in the Newfoundland sky from November 19 to December 3 2018

From November 19 to December 3, 2018

  • Venus is really bright right now, especially in the morning. It looks like a bright star popping up in the southeast sky close to the horizon a few hours before sunrise.
  • Mars has been moving further from earth since mid summer but is still visible in the night sky. Although it’s getting dimmer by the day, Mars remains a bright object that can be seen near dusk in the southern sky, setting in the west just after midnight. A good indication you are looking at Mars is the red glow the planet emits.
  • Saturn is another planet that appears shortly after nightfall and disappears a few hours later. On December 8th you will be able to see Saturn about one hour after sunset perfectly ringed by the crescent moon that will appear shortly after dusk, quite a spectacle on a clear night.

Got any favorite stargazing objects or stories? Please share in the comments. We’d love to hear from you.

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