Classic Hits and New Twists at Stone Ducky Restaurant
If you’re looking for a local restaurant that has all your classic favourites along with new and exciting menu items, you'll be pleased with Stone Ducky restaurant in Bay Bulls. The restaurant features a large comfortable seating area, gourmet pub grub, fun drink options, and a family friendly atmosphere.
Where can I find Paddy's Fish and Chips?
Old time locals will remember the famous Paddy’s Restaurant in Bay Bulls and that heartbreaking fire that burned paddy’s restaurant to the ground leaving a big fish and chip void in the hearts of those who were addicted to Paddy’s Restaurant’s perfect golden fish and chip secret recipe that was the backbone of Paddy’s Restaurant in Bay Bulls for over 30 years.
Is Stone Ducky Fish and Chips as good as Paddy's
The good news is, if you’re still reminiscing of the good old fish and chip days at Paddy’s Bay Bulls Restaurant you can take a stroll down memory lane at Stone Ducky. Paddy passed the secret recipe onto them, and as a tribute to the famous Paddy’s Restaurant, it’s actually named “Paddy’s Fish and Chips” on the menu.
What did the Secret Shopper say about Stone Ducky Fish and Chips?
Now, we recognize anyone can say anything, and it’s one thing to make a big claim like your fish and chips are as awesome as Paddy’s were. It’s an entirely different thing to actually deliver on that promise. Since we were also huge fans of the fish and chips at Paddy’s Restaurant, we, as true investigative food journalists, took a secret shopper visit to Stone Ducky restaurant in Bay Bulls to sample their fish and chips and to see if they live up to their tall claim.
They say taste and smell is most linked to memory. Your brain actually makes you temporarily forget what past food tastes like and then lets you recall the memory when you eat it again. So what was our experience like at Stone Ducky Restaurant in Bay Bulls? When the fish and chips arrived, they looked and smelled exactly like what we remember Paddy's Fish and Chips to be like. Slicing into the perfectly battered fresh fish, the fist bite not only took me back to the superior fish and chips we always ate at Paddy’s Restaurant in Bay Bulls, but it also reminded me of all the good times we had there with friends and family. It truly was trip down memory lane. Stone Ducky nailed it when it comes to fish and chips, and we’re so thankful we can again enjoy Paddy's Restaurant famous fish and chips after all these years.
Is the Pizza at Stone Ducky Tasty?
The Stone Ducky Pizza Menu has some seriously good artisan pizza options like the Spicy Duck Diavolo and the Stone Ducky Supreme. If you're looking for gourmet pizza on the Southern Shore, Stone Ducky has you covered.

Can I get Duck at Stone Ducky Restaurant?
A lot of you have asked if you can get duck at Stone Ducky Restaurant in Bay Bulls. The answer is yes you can. We had the duck wings which was a first for several in our party and an absolute favourite at our table.
We could go on and on about Stone Ducky Restaurant and how much we love the food there. We actually had the perfect afternoon followed by a sunset whale watching trip with one of our favorite whale watching companies in Bay Bulls
Want to know more about what’s cooking at Stone Ducky Restaurant in Bay Bulls? Check out the full menu below:
Located on the water and overlooking scenic Bay Bulls near the Witless Bay Marine Ecological Reserve, Stone Ducky Restaurant in Bay Bulls is a must stop for anyone visiting the southern shore and Irish loop drive.
Have you eaten at Stone Ducky in Bay Bulls? Did you like it or love it? What was your favourite dish? Please post in the comments below and share your experiences.