8 Reasons Why Hot Tubs Are Great For Your Mind Body and Spirit

8 Reasons Why Hot Tubs Are Great For Your Mind Body and Spirit

1: Outdoor Hot Tubs Give You Vitamin D And Winter Sun Exposure That Helps Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you’re spending time in North America during the winter, often you can suffer from low sunshine exposure and therefore lowered vitamin D levels.

During this time of year, some people even suffer from Season Affective Disorder (SAD) which can have symptoms that range anywhere from mild lethargy to serious depression that grabs hold of an individual during this low sunshine period.

An outdoor hot tub is an excellent way to give yourself sun exposure during the winter months without giving yourself hypothermia at the same time.

Because your skin is covered with winter clothing when it’s cold outside, even when the sun is out, it’s not getting to your skin where your body needs it to create vitamin D. In winter some people choose to take supplemental vitamin D tablets or capsules, but nothing beats the real thing.

In an outdoor hot tub on a sundeck overlooking the ocean, even during sub-zero temperatures, the hot tub water is set to be the perfect temperature. That means you can comfortably sit outside and be warm while enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. When you’re enjoying the sunshine in your private outdoor hot tub, the light hits your skin, even underwater, instantly giving your body the sunlight exposure it was craving.

Some people say that just after a few minutes of full body sunshine exposure in an outdoor hot tub, they instantly feel better.

2: Soaking In A Hot Tub Helps Some People Increase Their Range of Motion

Loss of range of motion can start a cascade of associated negative health events. The range of motion can decrease following an injury, a change in daily routine, decreased physical activity, and from medical conditions such as arthritis. When anyone experiences a range of motion decrease, secondary ailments often follow like decreased lymphatic flow, decreased blood circulation, decreased flexibility, and muscle loss. 

By ensuring you maintain a good range of motion you automatically promote tissue oxygen perfusion and your lymphatic system. If you start to find yourself stiffening up and feeling a little less limber than you used to, soaking in a hot tub can help increase your flexibility and range of motion.

Soaking in a hot tub also helps to decreased joint inflammation, as with arthritis, by increasing the hydrostatic pressure around your body, therefore decreasing your own internal fluid pressure on inflamed joints. Some joint pain sufferers report a marked decrease in pain and inflammation following hot tub hydrotherapy immersion treatment. Hot tubs are great at soaking away muscle tension, making your body feel rejuvenated. 

3: Hot Tubs and Hydrotherapy Jets Can Help Soothe Sore Muscles

If you’re stiff from hiking The East Coast Trail, driving along the coast, or just feel like you’re getting old before your time, soaking in a hot tub is a great way to soothe sore muscles and help you recuperate faster.

Immersion in warm hot tub water and taking advantage of the hydrotherapy massage hot tub features help promote peripheral vasodilation, promoting blood flow to extremities and muscles, This can help your muscles feel better and heal faster.

After a long day of hiking The East Coast Trail or Paddleboarding in Mobile Bay, nothing beats a soak in an outdoor hot tub

4: For Many Relaxing In An Outdoor Hot Tub Helps Decrease Lower Back Pain While Improving Mood

In Newfoundland and across Canada, 8 out of 10 adults will at some point suffer from lower back pain. Lower back pain is actually one of the leading causes of disability in Newfoundland.

Chronic back pain can have a profound effect on a person’s lifestyle and happiness index. Some people who treat chronic back pain with hot tub hydrotherapy report a decrease in pain and an increase in their range of motion following hot tub immersion therapy.

Remember, not all presentations of back pain should be treated with hot tub immersion treatment, so be sure you’re medically cleared for hot tub use before getting into a hot tub.

Benefits of Hot Tubs
The benefits of soaking in the hot tub

5: Enjoying The Bubbling Bliss Of A Seaside Hot Tub Can Have A Positive Effect On Mental Health And Wellbeing

Stress, anxiety, and depression are more prevalent now than ever before.

The bombardment of blue light on your retinas, smartphone notifications in your pocket, and constant competition for your attention have left many people feeling scattered.

Ever since early humans discovered hot springs, people have been soaking in hot water to find peace and balance. A hot tub is a great stress reliever and can be that special place you go to reset. Most of your body is made of water and all life once existed in the ocean. Some people find immersion in a hot tub that’s perfectly dialed to your body temperature can make you instantly feel an incredible weight being lifted from your shoulders.

Because a hot tub is always heated to the perfect temperature and ready to go, all you need to do is get in and enjoy. You can choose to enjoy a hot tub hydrotherapy massage or, for the ultimate hot tub zen moment, turn off the jets and pump entirely and just sit in perfectly still and calm water.

If you’re enjoying the outdoor hot tubs at Whale House, be sure to ask how to set your hot tub to still water mode to enjoy a totally silent and still oceanside outdoor hot tub experience so quiet you can hear whales breathing out on the water.

6: Outdoor Hot Tubs Near The Ocean Let You Enjoy Fresh Air And Nature In Total Comfort And Luxury 

Fresh air and sunshine have been proposed cures to many ailments for thousands of years. Getting outside and enjoying fresh air, especially the seaside fresh air here in Newfoundland, can do a person a world of good.

With a private outdoor hot tub next to the ocean, you’ll be amazed at how much time you can spend just sitting still and enjoying the surroundings.

Hot Tubs at whale house guest house are on private sundecks overlooking the witless bay ecological reserve and humpback whale feeding grounds, the ideal spot to enjoy clean air, connect with nature, and watch humpback whales from your private whale watching hot tub sundeck. 

Blue Whale Suite at Whale House Guest House
The Blue Whale’s Oceanside Hot Tub

7: Hot Tubs And Outdoor Hot Tub Immersion Therapy Can Help You Sleep Better

Many people suffer from sleep disorders. Busy lifestyles, shift work, blue light exposure from our devices, and a diet of sugar and stimulants have added fuel to the problem making insomnia an epidemic.

More than 200 million people in North America claim to have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. With fast-paced lifestyles filled with smartphone alarms and blinking lights, it’s no wonder so many people have a tough time sleeping. With all these external influences, it’s easy to affect your circadian rhythm and disturb your natural sleep cycle.

Hot tubs can help you build back positive sleep hygiene and get your sleep back on track, helping you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.

Aside from the stress and anxiety reducing properties hot tubs are famous for, many people find soaking in an outdoor hot tub with the outdoor lights turned off will help reset your circadian rhythm and lead to deeper more restful sleep.

Having an evening hot tub routine just before bed at the same time every day is the most effective way to get your sleep patterns back on track. When enjoying an outdoor hot tub before bed, make sure your bed is ready for sleeping, your phone is put away, and the lights are turned down as low as possible.

Enjoying soaking in the outdoor hot tub with the deck lights turned off, letting you enjoy the stars and moon. Let your body clue into the fact it's nighttime and time for bed. As you feel yourself getting more relaxed and sleepy, get out, dry off, close the lid of your hot tub, and climb into bed. You’ll be surprised how quick you will fall asleep following an evening soak in a hot tub.

8: An Outdoor Coastal Hot Tub Surrounded By Nature Is A Great Place To Meditate And Find Your Zen

We all know meditation is good for us. For thousands of years, humans have been meditating all over the world. Yogic culture teaches us that even practicing meditation for a few minutes each day can have profoundly positive effects on our physical and mental health.

If you’ve ever tried meditating, you’ll notice at first it can seem hard. Your mind is always chattering, and getting comfortable can be a problem.

Meditating in the still waters of an outdoor hot tub can get you in the zone faster and help you stay there longer. With the hot tub jets turned off and the water calm, you can comfortably sit cross-legged and still in your hot tub while focusing on your breathing. 

What’s your favorite part about Hot Tubbing? Have you found hot tubs to be therapeutic? Please share your experience in the comments below.

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